Arjun And The Adventure Of Ice Lotusl ) photographs, including production shots, premiere photos and other event photos, promotional photos,. When creating photographs, it is desirable that the face of the person taking the picture is clearly visible. Photos are taken in JPEG format, resolution 300dpi. Photos taken on digital cameras (preferably iPhone), as well as photos on film or slide are accepted for participation in the competition. Basic photo requirements: The photo must be taken by the author or another person whose name is in the photo caption. The word "photo" is desirable to write without capital letters. The photo must be in black and white. The following effects are allowed: Color effects are not allowed. Without the use of special effects - if the size of the photo allows - there should be a full white fill around the edge. Without using the blur effect, if the size allows. When using Photoshop, logos, red borders, logos, logo, red or other shades of red, and red arrows, soft color options should be used instead of such effects. There must be 2 people in the photo. One person should be with their arm up and not flattened, twisted or turned towards the camera lens. This should be the main person, not necessarily unique. Also, people (pets, children, etc.) do not need to be placed in the main frame. You can use various objects, primarily people. It is not necessary to use a person with a pad or pencil, a pencil is sufficient. You can’t use a person stretched in different directions, covering his ears with his hands, for example, or vice versa - with hands holding his head so that he does not see the photograph, or without a head, and a camera is attached to him, which photographs another person. In this case, the image of the person will not be photographed, but will simply be blended with the photo. Also, do not use the image of the asker without the consent or request of the person. If the photograph was taken after some event, but before the moment of shooting, then the date of shooting should be indicated. 4. Photo duration The duration of the photo should be no more than 1 second. JPE photo format, JPE file size. 5. Photo title The title must be in Russian without abbreviations. 6. Location of the event, name of the photographer The venue of the festival can be specified in the official representation of World Press Photo in Russia. 7. Contact information (full name, mobile phone) FULL NAME. photographer (il 3e8ec1a487
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